Will Williams

American plein air Oil Painter

Painter's Paintings show
June 9 - June 30, 2013

Williams - page 2 Oil Paintings | | Williams Giclee Prints

Serentity Tearoom


14 x 11


Low Tide, Smith's Cove


8 x 10


What is a Painter's Painting ?

Serenity Tearoom
I painted this scene on location with a goal in mind and not much time to do it. The goal was to capture the mood and light with lively bold brushwork. The knowledge of perspective and angles was important to get my design down quickly. As the painting progressed, I was fascinated by the light bouncing off cars on the street in the distance and the color and value range that that presented. The foreground is almost entirely in shadow but has a somber color harmony along with a linear quality that leads you to the sunlit areas. Will Williams

Life on the Chesapeake


24 x 30



Morning Calm
Oil 14 x 18
Alley Sunset
Oil 6 x 6
Winter Stream, Vermont

Oil 20 x 24

Fishing Dories, Gloucester

Oil 20 x 20

Will Williams Biography

Will Williams is a Maryland plein air and studio painter. Born in Boston Massachusetts in 1967, he started painting at age 9 creating his first plein air painting at age 12. Will knew from a very young age that he wanted to be a professional artist.

While attending the Maryland Institute, College of Art, Williams won the 1990 Society of Illustrators Scholarship Competition. He graduated that year and went on to start a career as an illustrator. His first job was producing illustrations for books and magazines. This experience taught him the importance of good drawing skills and a gave him a strong sense of design and composition.

After several years as an illustrator he felt something was missing. Returning to his passion for painting, he began studying some of history’s great painters. The artists who most influenced him include: N.C. Wyeth, John Singer Sargent, Winslow Homer and Diego Velazques. In the fall of 2000 he took a break-through trip to Italy. After seeing the places Sargent and some of the other great artists painted, Will was inspired to become a painter as his life’s work.

The study of fine art and plein air painting became a serious daily focus. He credits painters Tim Bell and Ken DeWaard as having an influence and inspirationon on his work. Williams’s paintings are in private collections in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, California, and Florida. He resides in Towson, MD with his wife Monica and their two children.

Selected Awards:
2009 2nd place, Mountain Maryland Plein Air Competition
2006 Award of Merit, Plein Air Easton
2006 Award of Merit, Havre de Grace Plein Air Competition
2005 Award of Merit, MAPAPA Paint Annapolis

Selected Exhibitions:
2011 Best of the Chesapeake, McBride Gallery, Annapolis, MD
2011 Featured Artist, McBride Gallery, 21st Annual Annapolis Art Walk
2009 Rising Stars: 10 Artists to Watch, McBride Gallery, Annapolis, MD
2009 Best of the Chesapeake, McBride Gallery, Annapolis, MD

Mid Atlantic Plein Air Painters Association
Washington Society of Landscape Painters

215 Main Street Annapolis MD 21401 • 410-267-7077

Gallery Hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 5:30, Sunday 12:00 - 5:30, Thursday til 9:00pm