Breaking the Rules
Exhibition: April 2 - May 31, 2017
Meet the Artists: Sunday, April 2, 1 - 4pm
Special Artist 'Conversation' at 2:00pm, Sunday, April 2
Participating Artists: Valerie Craig, Howard Eberle, Charlie Hunter, Abigail McBride,
Terry Miller, Larry Moore, Jason Sacran, John Brandon Sills and Carol Lee Thompson
Selection of show paintings below ~ Visit the Gallery to see the full Exhibition ~ Inquiries Welcome
~ Page 2 of Breaking the Rules show paintings ~
Larry Moore
Black Sheep
30 x 30
~ Breaking the Rules ~
Over the years I have heard artists comment that a painting just delivered to the gallery 'may have broken the rules' but, "it is one of my favorites!" These are the same artists who teach workshops, instructing painters in the long-standing traditions for a well-designed composition. It made me curious. How is it possible to break the rules and still create a great painting?
For a gallery director, the answer: host a show of these "Rule Breakers" and get to the bottom of the dichotomy! I called Terry Miller first, not because I knew he broke painting rules, but I had heard him speak quite eloquently about the 'rule of thirds' in a show about 10 years ago.... figuring if he knew the rules and why they made for good paintings, he just might know ways around them.
At the artist's reception on Sunday, April 2nd, we should learn more. The artists have been asked to share not only what rules they broke but how they compensated and still created a great painting. I am looking forward to this conversation. You are welcome to join us and ask questions. It should be enlightening.
Cynthia McBride
Valerie Craig
10 x 12
Charlie Hunter
From a Roomette Window
30 x 30
Larry Moore
Lemur with Breaker Boxes
24 x 30
Larry Moore
30 x 30
Charlie Hunter
Marble Workers, Danby VT
30 x 30
Valerie Craig
10 x 12
Valerie Craig
Late Spring
16 x 20

215 Main Street Annapolis MD 21401 • 410-267-7077
Gallery Hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 5:30, Sunday 12:00 - 5:30, Thursday til 9:00pm